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Low GI Rice

Low GI rice promotes sustained energy release, to keep you fuller for longer which in turn improves general health.
What is Low-Gi Rice

Low glycemic index rice—a desired trait in starchy staples

Low GI rice refers to varieties of rice that have a lower glycemic index (GI) compared to regular white rice. These types of rice are digested and absorbed more slowly, causing a slower and steadier rise in blood sugar levels. Examples of low GI rice include basmati rice, brown rice, wild rice, and some varieties of whole grain rice. Including these options in your diet can help maintain more stable blood sugar levels and provide sustained energy throughout the day.

The Glycemic Index(GI) in foods

Sona Masoori Rice
Rice 73%
Web Designer 70%
Brown Rice
Web Designer 68%
Web Designer 62%
Fit Grain Low GI Rice
Web Designer 51%

Benefits of Low GI rice

Blood sugar management

Low GI rice has a slower and more gradual impact on blood sugar levels compared to high GI foods, it helps regulate blood glucose levels, preventing spikes and crashes.

Sustained energy release

The slow digestion and absorption of carbohydrates in low GI rice provide a steady and sustained release of energy, this can help maintain energy levels throughout the day.

Digestive health

Low GI rice varieties, such as brown rice, are typically higher in fiber which aids in promoting a healthy digestive system.

Nutritional value

Low GI rice retains more of the natural nutrients found in the rice grain. It is a good source of carbohydrates, B vitamins, minerals like magnesium and potassium, and dietary fiber.

Low GI Rice in Markets

Clinically Proven

Fitgrain Low GI rice has been scientifically validated to have a low glycemic index (GI).

Why Low GI is better than highre GI

According to the report in the Economic Times, low GI rice could help to "keep diabetes at bay" by slow release of sugar in the blood, according to the research study conducted by IRRI and Australia's CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation).

Key fiindings & conclusions

By incorporating genetic modifications to develop rice varieties with low to moderate glycemic index (GI), and implementing a diverse diet plan consisting of well-balanced portions of macronutrients with low GI foods, enhanced nutrient density, and dietary fiber, we can adopt a multidisciplinary approach to effectively tackle the increasing nutritional challenges associated with the double burden.


Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

On April 24, 2023, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was entered into between Mallikarjuna Rice Industries, located in Bellary, Karnataka, and represented by Mr. Mallikarjuna and Mr. Manjunatha, and Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University, represented by Dr. S. Sudheer Kumar. The signing ceremony took place at the administrative office of PJTSAU.
News Articles
Read the news reports on low GI rice that have been published on all major news sites.